True or false? Test your Ramadan knowledge!

Par dans Articles le February 3, 2025

Ramadan is a blessed month for Muslims the world over. But as time goes by, certain preconceived ideas circulate and can lead to confusion. Today, I’ve got a little game for you: a “True or False” quiz on Ramadan! Ready to test your knowledge? We’re off!

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a month of fasting, prayer and rapprochement with Allah. But much more than a simple deprivation of food and water, it’s a time for purifying the soul and strengthening faith.

Ramadan Quiz: Sorting out the real from the fake!

Question 1: You can drink water while fasting if you’re very thirsty.

❌ FALSE! From dawn (Fajr) to sunset (Maghrib), eating and drinking are strictly forbidden. Even a sip of water cancels the fast. However, if a person is in danger (e.g. severe dehydration), he or she may break the fast, but must make up for it later or pay compensation (fidya).

Question 2: If you forget to eat or drink, your fast is cancelled.

✅ FALSE! Good news! If you forget and inadvertently eat or drink, your fast remains valid. The Prophet (saws) said: “If someone eats or drinks out of forgetfulness, let him complete his fast, for it is Allah who has fed and watered him.” (Reported by Bukhari and Mouslim). So don’t panic!

Question 3: Laylat al-Qadr is always the 27ᵉ night of Ramadan.

❌ FALSE! Laylat al-Qadr, the “Night of Destiny”, is a special night when the reward for acts of worship is increased tenfold. Many believe that it always falls on the night of Ramadan 27, but in fact the Prophet (saws) advised us to look for it on the last 10 odd nights (21, 23, 25, 27 or 29). So let’s stay vigilant and multiply our invocations on these blessed nights!

Question 4: Zakat al-Fitr can be given after the Eid prayer.

❌ FALSE! Zakat al-Fitr is an obligatory almsgiving that every Muslim must pay before the Eid prayer. Its purpose is to help the less fortunate celebrate the holiday with dignity. If it is given after the prayer, it is simply considered an ordinary alms.

Question 5: Fasting isn’t just about eating.

✅ TRUE! Ramadan is much more than abstinence from food! It’s also a fast from evil words, disputes and sins. The Prophet (saws) said: “He who does not renounce falsehood and evil deeds, Allah has no need for him to deprive himself of food and drink.” (Reported by Bukhari). Ramadan is therefore a complete purification of body and soul.

Why test your Ramadan knowledge?

You’d think that after years of fasting, you’d know everything there is to know about Ramadan… But that’s not always the case! These little preconceived ideas can lead us to make mistakes without even realizing it. By learning more about fasting, we strengthen our faith and ensure that we practice this act of worship correctly.

Share this quiz and talk about Ramadan!

So, how many correct answers did you get? Tell me in the comments! Don’t hesitate to share this quiz with your friends and family to see how well they know Ramadan. It’s always a pleasure to learn together and share about our beautiful religion. Ramadan Mubarak to all!

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