The month of Ramadan is a unique time of the year. More than just fasting, it is an opportunity for purification, renewal, and closeness to Allah. But how can we prepare to make the most of it?
In this article, I’ll share practical tips to enter the sacred month with a peaceful mind and a heart ready to receive Allah’s blessings.
The importance of preparing for Ramadan in the Quran
Ramadan is not just a sudden event, it is a month of worship that requires spiritual and mental preparation.
“The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 185)
This verse reminds us that Ramadan is the month of the Quran, guidance, and spiritual elevation. To truly benefit from it, we must prepare in advance.
1. Strengthen your relationship with the Quran
The Quran is at the heart of Ramadan, yet many of us wait until the first day to start reading it. Why not start now?
Set a reading goal
Read a few pages a day, even if it’s just a little. The goal is to reignite our connection with the Quran before Ramadan begins.
Tip: Try reading at least one verse a day and reflect on its meaning. The quality of your reading is more important than quantity.
Learn and recite new verses
Take this time to memorize a few short surahs. This will help enrich your prayers and deepen your spirituality during Ramadan.
2. Strengthen your connection with Allah through prayer
Ramadan is a time to increase our prayers, so why not start perfecting them now?
Be consistent in your obligatory prayers
If you struggle with praying all five daily prayers, now is the perfect time to build a solid routine.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“The first thing a person will be judged on the Day of Judgment is their prayer.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)
Start by praying on time and try to improve your focus (khushû’) by taking your time with each recitation.
Prepare for night prayers (Qiyam)
Night prayers (Tarawih, Tahajjud) are a major blessing during Ramadan. You can start practicing now by praying at night, even if it’s just a few verses.
Challenge: Before Ramadan, try praying two extra rak’ahs after Isha to get used to Tarawih.
3. Purify your heart and intentions
Ramadan is a month of forgiveness and mercy. Before it begins, it’s essential to cleanse our hearts spiritually.
Seek forgiveness from Allah
We all have sins and mistakes. Ramadan is a chance to start fresh, so begin making Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) regularly.
Tip: Say “Astaghfirullah” often. Even 100 times a day takes just a few minutes and purifies the heart.
Forgive others
Before entering Ramadan, make the choice to let go of grudges and resentment.
“Let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you?”
(Surah An-Nur, verse 22)
Take a moment to reflect on those you have conflicts with and make an effort to forgive and mend relationships.
4. Get used to fasting gradually
If you’re not used to fasting, the first days of Ramadan can be challenging. To prepare your body, try fasting a few days before Ramadan.
The Prophet ﷺ used to fast frequently in Sha’ban, the month before Ramadan.
Eat healthier
Before Ramadan, reduce your caffeine and sugar intake to avoid headaches and fatigue in the first few days.
Tip: Try intermittent fasting (skipping meals between morning and Maghrib) to help your body adjust smoothly.
5. Plan your spiritual goals
Entering Ramadan without clear goals can make the month feel less productive. Write down what you want to achieve:
✅ Read the entire Quran in one month
✅ Fast with sincere intention
✅ Improve focus in prayer
✅ Give more Sadaqah (charity)
✅ Avoid unnecessary distractions (social media, TV series, etc.)
Write these goals in a notebook or on your phone and read them regularly to stay motivated.
A transformational Ramadan starts before the first day
Ramadan is a spiritual school that transforms us every year. But to make the most of it, we must prepare ahead of time.
By starting to read the Quran, pray with more focus, purify our hearts, and prepare our bodies, we ensure a blessed and rewarding month.